FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY! The SMC is currently accepting footage/content of only SISKIYOU COUNTY PUBLIC EVENTS with NO FEES, DUES OR MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS! Normally everyone who wants to submit content to Public Access Channels MCTV15 and YCTV4 would first need to become a member. This is subject to change at any time.
BECOMING A MEMBER! It is suggested that everyone interested in uploading content be a member of SMC to help support their local public access television stations! Individual SMC Public Access Television Membership dues are $100 annually, and we are currently accepting Memberships that are good through 2020!
(Easy as 1 2 3):
1. Film a Public Siskiyou Event
2. Upload onto your Google Drive or your favorite shareable cloud storage
3. Share your folder/file link with:
(Include in the email the NAME OF THE EVENT, DATE, LOCATION and who to CREDIT.)
NON MEMBERS: time restrictions free upload submissions: 30 seconds – 10minutes
SMC MEMBERS: time restrictions upload submissions: 30 seconds – 120minutes
RULES: Freedom of speech is key to Public Access Television, and the staff of Siskiyou Media Council will not discriminate. However, we are unable to air commercials of any kind, nor can we air submissions that are illegally violent, cruel, lewd, discriminatory, inflammatory, or in support of one political stance without equal time and effort of the opposition.
For optional submission procedures and/or inquires, contact the SMC Program Director: